Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last Trip

Alright faithful readers I'm off to Florence this weekend. Our train leaves at 7:50 and it is our shortest train ride woo who! I currently have my computer in the window of our apartment to get the internet from the cafe across the street!! lol I don't think our internet will be working again... but skype still works and I'm not going to question it. That is how dedicated I am to keep you all updated. Well Florence is our last weekend trip and I'm pretty sad about that. Our weekend trips have definitely been the best part of my experience here in Italy. Next weekend it preparing for our final which in on Monday the 11th of August and then it's off to France and Spain on the 14th! I'm pretty excited to get out of Rome! I know that sounds silly but 8 weeks in a hot and humid place gets to you!! Alright ciao for now!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Venice

Piazza San Marco

The one place that I had to go to in Venice was Piazza San Marco. I have done so many research projects on this square, it is the biggest in Venice and from all the pictures I 've seen it looked gorgeous! Well after seeing it myself all I have to say is there is a lot of pigeons!! These things are not afraid of people and more and I swear I almost got my head taken off about 15 times!!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Pictures from the water taxi down the Grand Canal


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 2: The Hike

Ok so here it is the post you've all been waiting for!! I know the anticipation has been killing you.... My pictures from my hike on the second day. We went on a 8 mile, 5 hour hike on Saturday morning in Cinque Terra. It was really hard and amazing! I'm obsessed with hiking now, it was so much fun just to be outdoors and not in a humid city! This place is so beautiful and I insist that everyone has to at least make it to this city in your lifetime!

The journey to the second town

Manarola- the second town

Corniglia - the third town
At one point on our hike we had to climb.. yea that's right 382 steps and that was only a small portion of the hike!!
The stairs

One of the nice paths

The Journey into Vernazza
Town from above
Are we there yet?

Vernazza - The 4th town

Here's where we are on the map... and ya that is chocolate gelato on my shirt... weird
The main street