My grievances with the stupid city of Eugene continue. There is probably nothing I hate more in the world than people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to go around and destroy public and personal property!!! It is so disrespectful and down right wrong!! Have enough respect for the people around you to get a life and leave other people's stuff alone!!! Ok I feel a little bit better now. Well today was suppose to be nice day to see Mom and Dad on their way home from La Pine, you know get some lunch and talk. Instead we spent most of the day calling police, insurance and going to Fred Meyer's to get packaging tape and 2 mil plastic. Because on our way to dinner as I was getting into Mom & Dad's car I saw glass laying by my car so I walked over and this is what I saw!!Yea that is right someone broke into my car! I have been hearing stories from friends about car theif and robberies lately in my area. I can remember as least 10 different crimes that I have been told about in the last 2 weeks. I have been worried that something like this would happen to m. Or something even worse like my friend Mak who had his house broken into and someone stole every vauble thing he owns including his computer with 4 years of architectural projects. So I consider myself to be lucky that I just got a broken car window. However, it still really sucks and I can't wait to get out of Eugene!! As we drove down my street a little bit we counted 5 cars that had their windows smashed in! Freaking losers! There has been so much crime in my neighborhood lately I wish the Eugene Police Department could stop spending all their money on party bike cops and start spending it on cars to patrol this neighborhood!! Where have they been while all this crime has been going on?? It's that what we pay them for?
To be continued.....
12 years ago
That TOTALLY sucks! But I am glad that mom and dad happened to be visiting that day so they could help you! Remember when I was ranting about the graffiti on the new trimet station? And you laughed at me? This post sounded a lot like that. People can be losers! Get a life is right! Sorry you had to deal with that!
I'm sorry Kelly!!!
Dang, that stinks. Did they take anything?
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